

Secure Your Internet Browsing With Query Guard Private DNS

In today’s digital age, safeguarding your online privacy and security is of paramount importance. As a savvy internet user, you’ve probably heard of the term DNS (Domain Name System), which is like the internet’s phonebook, translating human-friendly domain names (like example.com) into machine-readable IP addresses. But did you know that the default configuration for DNS requests is often in plain text, leaving your data vulnerable to prying eyes and potential alterations?

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Stay Safe and Sound Online

The internet is like a bustling city, full of exciting places to visit and explore. But just like any city, it has its share of hidden dangers. Imagine walking through this digital cityscape, and suddenly, a friendly guide appears, helping you avoid hazards and enjoy your journey safely. That guide is an ad-blocking private DNS service, and here’s how it keeps you secure online, in simple terms. 1. Guards Against Tricky Tricks:

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Your Online Guardian: How Query Guard Private DNS Filters Out Internet Threats

In our digital age, the internet is like a bustling city with countless places to visit. But just as in any city, there are areas to avoid and dangers to watch out for. Imagine if you had a trustworthy guide who could steer you away from those dangerous spots, ensuring your journey through the internet was always safe. That guide is Query Guard Private DNS, and here’s how it filters your internet in real-time to protect you from malware, viruses, known bad actors, and other malicious websites.

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How Query Guards End-to-End Encryption Keeps You Safe Online: A Non-Techie Guide

Hey there, lovely people! 👋 Ever wondered how safe you are when you browse the web? Well, worry no more! Query Guard has got you covered, and today, we’re diving into the magic behind that: end-to-end encryption of DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH). Sounds techy, right? Don’t sweat it; we’ll break it down step by step. What’s HTTPS? First up, HTTPS. When you see this at the start of a website’s address, it’s a good sign.

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You Are the Product In The Social Media Landscape

In the digital age, where social media platforms dominate our online interactions, a common refrain has emerged: “You are the product.” This seemingly simple phrase holds significant implications for how we perceive our relationship with these platforms, but what does it truly mean, and how can we regain some control over our online presence? The Rise of “You Are the Product” The phrase “You are the product” gained widespread attention during the Cambridge Analytica scandal in March 2018.

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